Scope of Practice
Patrick M. Hunter handles bankruptcy matters for primarily for individual debtors but occasionally secured and unsecured creditors, creditor committees and bankruptcy trustees. He has represented clients in appeals through the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals and provides bankruptcy consulting services in Wyoming and California.
Patrick Hunter has 40+ years of experience handling consumer bankruptcies. He has practiced law in Wyoming since 1983, primarily as a sole practitioner. He graduated from the University of Wyoming with a B.S. in physics in 1980 and with a Juris Doctorate from the College of Law in 1983. He worked with a bankruptcy firm in Cheyenne for two years before returning to Casper to set up his own general practice in 1985, handling a variety of matters, with an emphasis on Bankruptcy. In early 2007 he closed his private practice to work for Wyoming Legal Aid, as the Senior Legal Services Developer for the state of Wyoming. In September of 2008 he accepted a position with the Law Offices of David Tilem, a California Bankruptcy Boutique firm and was also admitted to practice in California in 2009. In 2010 he reopened his Wyoming Bankruptcy Practice, remaining “Of Counsel” with the Tilem firm, until recently when David Tilem retired and closed his firm.
He has served as a faculty member of the National Business Institute, presenting seminars for attorneys and business professionals on bankruptcy law, collections, and related commercial issues. He also wrote and produced “Letters of the Law”, a weekly radio program providing the public updates on current legal issues.
Current Status
At the present time Patrick Hunter generally limits his private practice to Bankruptcy Law. Mr. Hunter’s practice is fully virtual, and in the Bankruptcy Court in the State of Wyoming.