Here are some links for use by my clients and others seeking to know more about bankruptcy or to obtain information useful when preparing a bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Class Link 

Debtors are required to take two classes as part of the Bankruptcy.  Both classes take about 2 hours to complete on-line.   The first class is a Credit Counseling Class  which must be completed within 180 days prior to the filing of the Bankruptcy Petition.  The second class is a Debtor Education Class or Financial Management Class and it must be completed after the case is filed and before 45 days after the First Meeting of Creditors.  At the present time the Law Offices pays for the cost of those classes through one provider which is as follows:


 Summit Financial Education.

This provider is as low or lower cost than any other provider.  They also automatically file the certificate for the second class with the Bankruptcy Court, and are, as far as I know the lowest cost provider to do this.  For this reason I am now using them only. Click on their logo to go there.

Links to obtain information to provide your attorney

As you prepare your bankruptcy you will need to find values of property and information about your debts.  Here are some on line links that may help.

  • Debt Information 
We do pull credit reports as part of our representation, but often tax debts are not listed and if you do owe taxes we will need you to get tax transcripts for the years you owe taxes.


Tax Transcripts

You will need the last 4 years of tax transcripts and any other years in which you owe taxes.  To obtain your tax transcripts you may go on-line to the IRS.  Click here to go to the IRS site for transcripts.


Automobile Values

Find the value of your used car – we use third party value in the Bankruptcy Court.

KELLY BLUE BOOK – The Wyoming Bankruptcy Court generally uses the Kelly Blue Book Private Party value as the most reliable on-line valuation source.  If your vehicle needs significant repairs, you should get some reliable estimates for those repairs to adjust the Third Party Value that we get on the Kelly Blue Book.


Real Property Values

 Find the value of your real property.


Click on Homes tab; type in your address; click on Go

Natrona County Assessor Link

For people who own real property in Natrona County Wyoming, you may obtain your assessed market value here.


Links for Vehicles


If you are seriously upside-down on your vehicle, rather than reaffirm your vehicle with your current lender then you have other options

 maybe Redemption is an option, check with your own lender or 722 Redemption Funding, click on the image below:






Purchase an pre-owned vehicle with New Financing. 

The following company finds good used vehicles and offers them for sale to debtors who have recently filed a bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Drive can help new debtors finance a vehicle which they have available to sell, click the add below to explore that option.
Bankruptcy Drive Link





FreshStart HeadStart consults with Debtors and then looks for a vehicle that is selling at an auction.  They obtain financing and have warranties for the vehicles they sell.  Click on the Left Logo below to go to their site.  Click on the Right to download their brochure.

Web Site Link

FreshStartHeadStart Brochure

FreshStart HeadStaert Brochure




Affiliated Organizations

Here are the organizations that I am currently affiliated with.


NACBA (National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys) is the premier organization for bankruptcy attorneys that help people as opposed to businesses